About me

My Journey ... 

Born in the UK, my family moved to France when I was six years old. I grew up bilingual, and gained the ability to express myself fully in both languages.  I first studied foreign languages, aand added german to my repertoire, all while bettering my translation skills. I then decided to go into social work, in order to put my studies and knowledge of interculturality and languages to good use, helping others concretely.  Now I am coming back to my first passion, translation, the art of creating bridges between people and cultures.

Why choose a freelance translator?

Because a human will differentiate between words to translate and the intentions behind them. 

Because you will have direct contact with your translator to make sure the essence of your message is understood. 

Because you can be certain that your documents will be translated by just one person, who will read and understand the whole document and its context, and will return a document in a single writing style.

two people sitting during day